Cambridge English Language Assessment

Exam Preparation Centre

Il Liceo Majorana articola la preparazione agli Esami di certificazione Cambridge English in corsi curricolari, extracurricolari e di simulazione, come qui di seguito schematizzato:

  corsi curricolari corsi extracurricolari
destinatari studenti interni studenti e adulti, sia interni che esterni
orario antimeridiano pomeridiano
livelli B1 e B2 B1, B2, C1, C2
tot. ore 30 40
docenti titolari di cattedra esperti esterni
costi nessuno 250€

corsi curricolari sono parte integrante della programmazione del Dipartimento di Inglese su cui si basa il programma annuale predisposto dal singolo docente titolare di cattedra. L’iscrizione agli esami non è obbligatoria, ma a tutti è così garantita la preparazione necessaria al conseguimento del livello B1 al termine del biennio e del livello B2 al termine del triennio. Per i dettagli si rimanda alla programmazione al link.

corsi extracurricolari tenuti da esperti esterni sono offerti sulla base di un progetto di ampliamento dell’offerta formativa finalizzato alla promozione delle eccellenze e all’apertura al territorio. Sono quindi rivolti sia a studenti che adulti sia interni che esterni. Sono tenuti da esperti esterni e organizzati sulla base delle iscrizioni raccolte, compilando il seguente modulo.

Le classi e il calendario per l’a.s. 2024-25 sono:

  • PET lunedì/mercoledì ore 14.30-16.00
  • FCE lunedì ore 14.30-16.00 – martedì/giovedì ore 15.00-16.30
  • CAE mercoledì ore 14.45-16.15

Per ulteriori dettagli si rimanda alle relative Circolari.

Il Liceo è sede d’esame riconosciuta dall’Università Cambridge, e prevede almeno due sessioni l’anno. L’apertura delle iscrizioni, a prescindere dalla preparazione svolta a scuola, è segnalata con congruo anticipo. Le istruzioni per l’iscrizione e il calendario del corso di simulazione per le sessioni d’esame sono indicate di seguito per ogni livello di certificazione.

La Docente Referente per l’organizzazione delle sessioni d’esame è la prof.ssa Cinzia Azzaretto 

Per sostenere la sessione d’esami dell’Università di Cambridge PET (liv. B1), FCE (liv. B2), CAE (liv. C1), o CPE (liv. C2), bisogna formalizzare, entro le scadenze delle sessioni, la propria manifestazione di interesse compilando il seguente modulo. Tale procedura risulterà vincolante e propedeutica alla finalizzazione dell’iscrizione, le cui modalità e termini sono di seguito specificate.

Sessioni d’esame a.s. 2024-25

- costo 125,00€ versare tramite PagoInRete
- date esame e scadenze iscrizioni:

PET FS (B1) Sessione Maggio Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
PET FS Paper Based 31/05/2025 29/03/2025 Liceo ‘E. Majorana’ - Via Avolio, 111
Sessione Giugno Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
PET FS Paper Based 15/06/2025 04/04/2025 IC Alessandro Magno - Casal Palocco Axa
Sessione Luglio Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
Pet for schools Digital 09/07/2025 04/06/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco
Pet for schools Digital 30/07/2025 20/06/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco



Paper Content Marks What's in each part?
Part Questions or length % Scale
Reading and Writing
(1 hour 30 minutes)
You have to read and understand the main points from signs, newspapers and magazines, and use vocabulary and structure correctly.
Reading I 5 50% 0 - 35 Five very short texts.
Multiple choice (A, B or C).
II 5 Five short descriptions of people
and eight short texts to read.
Matching each person to a text.
III 10 long text and ten sentences about it. Say if each sentence is true or false.
IV 5 long text and five questions.
Multiple choice
 (A, B, C or D).
V 10 short text with ten missing words.
Multiple-choice cloze (A, B, C or D).
Writing I 5 0 - 5 Sentence transformations.
Complete the 2nd sentence with no more than 3 words so that it means the same as the 1st sentence.
II 35-45 words 0 - 5 A short communicative message
(a postcard, a note, an email, etc.).
III 100 words 0 - 15 Continuous writing
You can chose between
an informal letter or a story.
(30 minutes)
You have to understand a range of spoken materials including announcements and discussions about everyday life.
I 7 25% 0 - 25 7 short conversations.
Multiple choice
 (picture A, B or C).
II 6 long recording and questions.
Multiple choice
 (answer A, B or C).
III 6 long monologue and notes on it.
 (missing information).
IV 6 long informal conversation.
True or false
 (six sentences).
(10-12 minutes
per pair of candidates)
You take part in conversations by asking and answering questions and talking, e. g., about your likes and dislikes. Your Speaking test will be conducted face to face with one or two other candidates and two examiners.
I  2-3 minutes 25% 0 - 25 Interview with the examiner
The examiner asks you information about yourself (past, present, future).
II 2-3 minutes Discussion with the other candidate
The examiner describes a situation and gives you a paper with six possible solutions; you have to discuss the alternatives and decide the best one (suggesting, disagreeing, agreeing).
III 2 minutes Extended turn
You have to describe a photograph.
IV 3 minutes General conversation
The two candidates discuss the topic which links the two photos (giving and asking opinions, likes/dislikes, etc.).

For tips and advice to prepare for your test visit the Cambridge English site.

CEFR Level Examination Test Score C.E. Scale Results
B2 FCE 90 to 100 160 - 170 Pass with Distinction
(Grade A)
B1 PET 85 to 89 153 - 159 Pass with Merit
(Grade B)
70 to 84 140 - 152 Pass
(Grade C)
A2 KET 45 to 69 120 - 139 Level A2
A1 0 to 44 Fail

Cambridge English Scale Score Converter

- costo 212,00€ da versare tramite PagoInRete
- date esame e scadenze iscrizioni:

FCE fs (B2) Sessione Maggio Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
First for schools Digital 24/05/2025 18/04/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco
First fs Paper Based 31/05/2025 29/03/2025 Liceo ‘E. Majorana’ - Via Avolio, 111
Sessione Giugno Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
First for schools Digital 08/06/2025 30/04/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco
First fs Paper Based 13/06/2025 04/04/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco
Sessione Luglio Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
First for schools Digital 09/07/2025 04/06/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco
First for schools Digital 30/07/2025 20/06/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco


Paper Content Marks FORMAT FOCUS
Part Questions or length % Scale
Use of English
(1h 15')tot. 52 questions     (in 7 parts)
tot. 2200-2500 words
to read from
newspaper and magazine articles, reports, fiction, advertisements, letters, messages, informational material (e.g. brochures, guides, manuals, etc.).
You have to read and understand a range of texts and do grammar and vocabulary tasks I 8 40% 0-8 MULTIPLE CHOICE CLOZE
A text in which there are some missing words or phrases (gaps). After the text there are four possible answers for each gap and students have to choose the correct answer (A, B or C). (about 11 minutes)
VOCABULARY: idioms, collocations, fixed phrases, complementation, phrasal verbs, semantic precision.
There are some missing words (gaps). Students have to write the correct word in each gap. (11' ca.)
GRAMMAR awareness and control, with some focus on vocabulary.
A text containing eight gaps. Each gap corresponds to a word. At the end of the line there is a ‘prompt’ word which the student has to change in some way to make the correct missing word and complete the sentence correctly. (11' ca.)
VOCABULARY: the use of affixation, internal changes and compounding in word formation.
A sentence followed by a key word and a second sentence which has a gap in it. Students have to use the key word to complete the second sentence (using 2-5 words) so that it is similar in meaning to the first sentence. (about 10 minutes)
You have to read a series of texts and answer questions that test reading ability and show that you can deal with a variety of different types of texts. V 6 0-12 MULTIPLE CHOICE
A text followed by six multiple-choice questions. Each question has four options (A, B, C or D), and students have to decide which is the correct answer. (11' ca.)
READING SKILLS: Detail, opinion, attitude, tone, purpose, main idea, gist, meaning from context, implication, text organisation fetures (exemplification, reference).
A text with six empty spaces (gaps). After the text there are six sentences taken from the text and an additional sentence; the sentences are given in jumbled order. Students have to choose the correct sentence for each gap. (11' ca.)
READING SKILLS: Cohesion, coherence, text structure.
A series of questions and a long text or several short texts to read. For each question, students have to decide which text or part of the text mentions this. (10' ca.)
READING SKILLS: Detail, opinion, specific information, implication.

(1 hour 20 minutes)

You have to produce two different pieces of writing: a compulsory task and one from a choice of three. 

I 140-190 words 20% 0-20 ESSAY
An opening rubric and a question with two given prompts, plus a prompt requiring candidates to write about their own additional idea.
Agreeing or disagreeing, giving information, opinion or reasons, comparing and contrasting, drawing a conclusion.
A task selected from a choice of three and based on a range of general topics, such as health and fitness, sport, music, etc.
Putting together and developing personal ideas on a topic, with a purpose for writing and a target reader in mind.
(40 minutes)
You have to understand a range of spoken materials, including lectures, radio broadcasts, speeches and talks.
(answer A, B or C).
Short unrelated extracts from monologues or exchanges between interacting speakers.
Genre, feeling, attitude, topic, opinion, purpose, agreement, gist and detail.
A 3-4 minutes monologue
Detail, specific information and stated opinion.
Five short related monologues and five questions with eight options each.
General gist, detail, attitude, opinion, etc.
A 3-4 minute interview or exchange between two speakers and seven questions with three options each.
Opinion, attitude, detail, gist, main idea and specific information.
(14 minutes
per pair of candidates)
You take part in conversations by asking and answering questions and talking, with the examiner, with the other candidate and by yourself. Your Speaking test will be conducted face to face with one or two other candidates and two examiners.
I  2 minutes 20% 0-25 INTERVIEW
The examiner asks you information about yourself (past, present, future).
General interactional and social language
The examiner gives each candidate a photograph to talk about; each candidate has a 1-minute individual long turn to talk about the situation given and answer the question with reference to both potographs; then the other candidate has to give a 30-second personal response.
Organising a larger unit of discourse; comparing, describng and expressing opinions.
Candidates are given spoken instructions and written stimuli to discuss about (2 minutes) in order to make a decision (1 minute).
Sustaining an interaction, exchanging ideas, expressing and justifying opinions, agreeing and/or disagreeing, suggesting, speculating, evaluating, reaching a decision through negotiation, etc.
The two candidates discuss the topic related to the collaborative task.
 Expressing and justifying opinions, agreeing and/or disagreeing, speculating.

For tips and advice to prepare for your test visit the Cambridge English site.

CEFR Level Examination Test Score C.E. Scale Results
C1 CAE 90 to 100 180 - 190 Pass with Distinction
(Grade A)
B2 FCE 85 to 89 173 - 179 Pass with Merit
(Grade B)
70 to 84 160 - 172 Pass
(Grade C)
B1 PET 45 to 69 140 - 159 Level B1
A2 KET 0 to 44 120 - 139 Fail

Cambridge English Scale Score Converter

English Exam Help FCE
Flo-Joe FCE

- costo 230,00€ da versare tramite PagoInRete
- date esame e scadenze iscrizioni:

CAE (C1) Sessione Maggio Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
CAE Advanced Digital 17/05/2025 04/04/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco
CAE Advanced PAper Based 31/05/2025 29/03/2025 Liceo ‘E. Majorana’ - Via Avolio, 111
Sessione Giugno Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
CAE Advanced Digital 16/06/2025 10/05/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco
Sessione Luglio Scadenza iscrizioni Sede d'esame
CAE Advanced Digital 07/07/2025 04/06/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco
CAE Advanced Digital 28/07/2025 20/06/2025 LIA - Via Demostene - Casal Palocco



- costo 235,00€ Paper based e 240,00€ Computer based da versare tramite PagoInRete
- date esame e scadenze iscrizioni:

CPE (C2) sessione primaverile scadenza iscrizioni sede d'esame
Computer based
Computer based
Paper based


CPE C2 banner

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